Welcome to the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe

We are your partner if you have questions about studying in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim. And we have been doing so for mohr than 100 years! We show you how to finance your studies. We cook and build for you. We're happy to advise you on all life situations that arise during your studies. We look after your child. We make it possible for you to experience and learn new cultures and languages. No matter how you contact us: here, by email or phone, via social media or in person - we are there for you.

Your studies. Your future. Our concern" - Your Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe!

ROOF WANTED: Do you have rooms available for students?

An initiative of the city of Karlsruhe and the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe.

We are looking for living space for students! In order to draw attention to this important topic, a KVV tram with the print of the ROOF WANTED! campaign will run across Karlsruhe in the next few months. With the “ROOF WANTED!” train, we reach around 167 million KVV passengers every year – from all age, professional and interest groups and of course also those whom the train passes by.
You can find out exactly what this can look like and what options are available for potential landlords and students here: www.dachgesucht.de


EDU-Home partners meet for the 2nd TPM!

The second transnational project meeting of the EDU-Home project was hosted by the Croatian partner, the University of Dubrovnik, on June 18th, 2024 and was attended by the consortium leader EDUCatt and all the other partners: ACRU (Italy), Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe (Germany), Rivensco Consulting (Cyprus), ISIC Association (Denmark).

The meeting was an important opportunity for exchange and networking among the partners, especially with respect to the Work Package 2 “Modelling: governance & structure + roles of actors” that is now coming to an end.


KI Song: Ode to the Orgs

Hey students, whether it's the canteen, housing, BAföG, advice, studying with children, culture or international affairs - the 57 Studierendenwerke in Germany are always there for you. We do our best every day to support you in all matters relating to your studies. And we love it!
We even asked the KI to write a song about the Studierendenwerke. You can listen to the result here:
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Bitte beachte, dass du auf die externe Webseite https://suno.com/song/19357404-08f1-4019-b75f-6156d31332a9 weitergeleitet wirst, auf der deine personenbezogenen Daten anders verarbeitet werden als bei uns.

Ehe du mit „Ja, weiter“ dieser Verarbeitung zustimmst, solltest du hier nachlesen, was bei der externen Webseite zum Datenschutz zu beachten ist.

(Orgs = organizations = Studierendenwerke)

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Off to the movies! WIN 5x2 free movie tickets for LOVE LIES BLEEDING

Director Rose Glass follows in the footsteps of Tarantino and directs Kristen Stewart and Katy O'Brian on an energetic trip full of deep black humor and a pulsating soundtrack. The NATURAL BORN KILLERS for a new generation: wild, sexy and intoxicating.


Lusoria Rhenana - Joint Roman boat trip on the Rhine | July 27, 2024

Together we go on a rowing tour on the Lusoria Rhenana, a detailed replica of a Roman river warship from late antiquity, which was once used for defense against Germanic tribes on the Rhine.


EM campaign in our canteens!

From today, not only balls will land in the goal, but also delicious dishes on your plates!

You can expect 8 delicious dishes from 8 different countries taking part in the European Championship.

From now until 14.07. there will be a special promotion meal every Tuesday and Thursday. Come along and enjoy the culinary diversity of Europe!


Switch and save energy - join in!

Together we are flipping the switch: in our heads and on the heating and electrical appliances in the student halls of residence. For student-friendly rents and climate protection:
Du verlässt nun die Webseite des Studierendenwerks Karlsruhe (sw-ka.de)

Bitte beachte, dass du auf die externe Webseite https://www.myenergychallenge.de/ weitergeleitet wirst, auf der deine personenbezogenen Daten anders verarbeitet werden als bei uns.

Ehe du mit „Ja, weiter“ dieser Verarbeitung zustimmst, solltest du hier nachlesen, was bei der externen Webseite zum Datenschutz zu beachten ist.