News from the PBS
• „I had imagined it completely differently!“
• „I haven't been really happy for months!“
• „My studies and I don't really fit together!“
• „I can't handle all this!“
Doubts about your studies are unpleasant, but also a key factor: Do I really want to continue like this? Can I see meaning in my future?
If you are unsure and cannot give a clear answer to these questions, or cannot give any answer at all, please feel free to use our advisory services: Feel free to arrange an appointment for a consultation at the PBS.
You can also get different perspectives on study alternatives at the „next steps“ event on 20.02.2025July 2023
Summer, sun, semester break! However, no relief in sight? Especially in the bright season, the dark areas in life can become particularly clear: gloomy thoughts and feelings, dark corners, dark sides and deep mood holes.Here are some examples:
- I can hardly stand it!
- I don't want to/can't continue like this!
- Life is so difficult. What makes all the effort worth it?
- I am afraid of the future!
- I feel alone and strange, surrounded by others who are doing everything better.
- I'm stuck in a dark tunnel, I lack perspective.
You can hardly see from outside what lies in the dark and it remains painfully hidden inside. You don't know what to do by yourself, and at the same time it's difficult to communicate with others. In addition, some students have had bad experiences confiding in others, received cheap tips, met with a lack of understanding or had the impression that they were overtaxing or burdening others too much.If you don't know what to do, feel free to contact our counselling service to explore light and shadow (together instead of alone). Please make an appointment for a consultation in person or by calling.And: Counselling sessions are also possible for people who are concerned about a student and want to help them.June 2023
May contain traces of Corona? Studying after the pandemic
Statement by the Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre (PBS), Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, June 2023.
According to the WHO, the Corona pandemic is no longer considered an international health emergency as of May 2023. However, a large number of students are experiencing "mental health emergencies" on a serious scale beyond the official end of the pandemic.
Accordingly, and as already described in the statement from autumn 2022 (, Corona continues to be a daily topic in the everyday counselling of the Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe. In the counselling sessions, it becomes clear that certain problems have arisen or intensified under the special conditions of the pandemic or online study. Here are some observations on this: Statement of the Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre (PBS), Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, June 2023. April 2023
PBS lecture at the

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The Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe (PBS) is offering a lecture on the topic of stress in everyday study life for students on Monday, 24.04.23 at Pforzheim University. Interested students are cordially invited!Speaker:
Svenja Hertel, M.Sc.-Psychologist of the Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe.March 2023
Online lecture for students: No fear of the question mark - strengthened against exam anxiety.
The lecture is aimed at students who have respect for individual or multiple exams. This respect can sometimes grow into exam anxiety. Signs of this can be procrastination, blackouts or studying to the point of exhaustion. So that students do not have to stumble due to either respect or fear of exams, the aim here is to provide initial information about the meaning and purpose of fear itself as well as practical tips against possible exam anxiety. You will be invited to take a different perspective on your own thoughts on the subject of exams* and gain insights into helpful exam preparation (organisation and balancing). So that there are more bright spots than blackouts!Speaker:
Katharina Mörs (Dipl.-Psych.), Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre (PBS) of the Karlsruhe Student Union.This lecture is part of the series of events of the

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Note: The recording of the lecture on the DHBW website is only available for a limited time.Translated with (free version)September 2022
The long shadows of online semesters - Corona-specific counseling needs in the PBS. Statement autumn 2022 (in german).March 2022
Russia’s war against Ukraine casts long shadows, even in the lives of many students. Pictures and news from the crisis region remain stuck and cause for e. g.
- compassion for the situation of Ukrainians,
- helplessness and powerlessness,
- fear and insecurity about the future,
- sorrow over the loss of the previous attitude to life,
- anger at the destruction of existences, structures and perspectives.
You are not alone with the effects of the global situation – and certainly don’t have to be. We offer advice on all personal and study-related topics for all students of the universities in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim.28.01.2022
There are a few kilometres between Heidelberg and Karlsruhe, but the rampage at Heidelberg University aggected many deeply. Beyond the city’s borders, it has caused shock, fear, insecurity, grief, anger and, last but not least, many questions. It is hard to find a way back to everyday life at the university.
If you have a specific and urgent need for consultation and advice, please contact us – we will try to provide you with a short-term offer of support. We offer psychotherapeutic counselling for students and employees of the universities in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim.

As part of a study, the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry / Psychotherapy at the Ulm University Hospital is investigating how bullying experiences in childhood affect the mental health of students.
Participation is open to all students who are in contact with the Psychological Help (PBS) - with or without bullying experience. The survey is anonymous and takes about 20 minutes.
Here you can fill out the online questionnaire.
Sabine Köster, Head of the Psychological Help (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, was a guest on SWR 2.
Here you can hear the podcast episode: Children's room instead of campus - studying during the pandemic18.06.2021
Sabine Köster, Head of the Psychological Help (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, was a guest on the podcast "Studying during shutdown" of the DHBW Karlsruhe. [/F]. Here you can hear the podcast episode! On May 28, 2021, took Sabine Köster, Head of the Psychological Help (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, a stand on the. "necessity of vaccination offers for students". Here you can read the text.