Test anxiety? Concentration difficulties? Self-esteem problems? Loneliness? Relationship conflicts? Fear of the future?

The Psychological Help (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe will help you out!Studying is not always easy and seldom straightforward. Detours, obstacles and mishaps during your studies are normal. However, some problems make it hard to feel comfortable in your own skin, to learn successfully, to progress in your studies, to be happy or to enjoy your leisure time. Moreover, you can feel quite alone with your problems, even in the midst of peers, well-meaning parents, and other counselors. Whether for study-related or personal problems: the PBS team of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe offers you professional advice and support.
Our services
The counselling services offered by the PBS are open to all students of the universities in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim. In addition, partners, fellow students, relatives and lecturers, who are worried about and want to help a student, can also seek advice.Our counselling services are free of charge and are subject to legal confidentiality and data protection.We offer the following services:
- Therapy sessions for diagnostic, information and therapeutic help (for individuals, partners, families and groups),
- Workshops on study-related topics (e.g. stress management and meditation techniques, work and study-related difficulties, coping with fear of speaking). Here you can find the current group offerings.
- Crisis interventions,
- Lectures: For information on current dates click on Lectures
- Info-material: We offer you further information about our services as well as materials on different topics for you to download here. In addition, you will find a list of helpful books by clicking on Book Tips .
- Counselling for all those who are worried about a student and want to help him/her.
Possible cases for counselling
People seeking counselling come to the PBS because they have not been able to solve their problems adequately either on their own or with the help of their social environment. In addition, they are unwilling to continue with the problems or to accept the consequences: reduced quality of life, endangerment of their studies, renunciation of essential life goals. Here are some reasons for seeking help at the PBS:Studies
Mental health
- Learning and working difficulties
- Test and failure anxiety
- Confusion about personal skills and what you want to study
- Studying despite impediments (eg.illness, handicap, social needs)
- Dissatisfaction with existing relationships
- Loneliness, socialization difficulties, fear of people
- Relationship problems, sexual problems
- Crisis, conflicts, break-ups
- Feeling emptiness, emotional chaos
- Low self-esteem
- Lack of joy and meaning in life
- Dissatisfaction with oneself
- Difficulty recognizing and expressing one's own needs
Mental health
- Psychosomatic disorders
- Anxiety, depression, compulsions
- Addiction, eating disorders
- Post-traumatic stress disorders