KfW student loan

What is the KfW student loan?
The KfW loan supports you during your studies with a minimum of 100 Euro and a maximum of 650 Euro per month - without credit guarantees and regardless of income / assets.

Who can apply?
  • Students studying at a state or state-recognized university based in Germany
  • German citizens who have not yet reached the age of 44
  • Students in first degree, second degree, master's degree and doctoral degree
  • Foreigners who have acquired their university entrance qualification in Germany or at a German school abroad
  • EU citizens who have been living in Germany for at least 3 years

Please contact the
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directly for advice and settlement of loans. KfW service partners are banks and savings banks or the KfW online portal.

You can apply for a KfW loan directly at the KfW.
Apply now online >>
Further information on KfW loan: