children and finances
If you have to finance your studies and a child at the same time!Due to pregnancy and taking care of a child, course assessments can be delayed and studies can be prolonged. In this situation, there are special regulations for BAföG.The childcare allowance will be increased from 1st August 2022. Students who live with their children under the age of 14 in a common household will receive € 160.00 per month. If there are delays in the upbringing of children, BAföG funding is possible beyond the standard period of study. This information can be found here online.
Because of pregnancy and child-rearing, the university is entitled to grant you an exeat semester (semester of leave). In principle you must apply for an exeat within the re-registration period for the following semester. You can apply for an exeat usually for a maximum of two consecutive semesters. Please note that students who have been granted an exeat are not entitled to attend classes. During the exeat semester you have the right to take exams which are not part of a course. Exeat semesters are counted as full university semesters. For more information you should ask your university directly!
Students receive a parental allowance of at least 300 euros for at least 12 months. Please contact the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth for information on the latest status of parental benefit:
In Baden-Württemberg, parents whose children were born between 01. 01.2007 and 30.09.2012 can receive income-related state education allowance following the Federal Parental Benefit.The Council of Ministers decided in a meeting on 25.09.2012 to end entitlement to state education allowance in Baden-Württemberg for births/adoptions from 01.10.2012.L-Bank | Hotline Familienförderung
Phone: 0800 6645 471
Fax: 0721 150-3191
E-mail: familienfoerderung@l-bank.deOepning hours
Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pmTip: When sending an e-mail, please state your application number, if available. This will speed up the processing.
Phone: 0800 6645 471
Fax: 0721 150-3191
E-mail: familienfoerderung@l-bank.deOepning hours
Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pmTip: When sending an e-mail, please state your application number, if available. This will speed up the processing.
You will receive child allowance for your children until the age of 18 (or age 25, if the child is studying or in a professional training).This amounts to € 250 per child per month (as of July 2023). In general, the payment will be made by the Family Benefits Office of the Employment Agencies (responsible for paying child allowance - Familienkasse) and to the person who has custody of the child (e.g. single parents). The authorities responsible for Karlsruhe:
- Employment Agency – Family Benefits Office
Kriegsstraße 100
76133 Karlsruhe
- Employment Agency
Familienkasse Pforzheim
Bahnhofstr. 37
72202 Nagold