Student funding - The right support for you!
BAföG, Loans and more
Find out now which type of student funding best suits your personal situation by answering the following questions. This information, along with additional information about your monthly income and expenses, will give you a better overview of your situation and enable us to provide you with tailored suggestions for suitable forms of funding.Informationen about Funding opportunities:
Application platform
Application for emergency funds, loans & BAföG
Welcome to the application platform of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe.
On the following pages you have the possibility, individually or in combination1. to apply for emergency aid at the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe.
2. to submit an informal application for BAföG.
3. to submit an informal application for a short- or long-term student loan.Click here to go to the application options:
On the following pages you have the possibility, individually or in combination1. to apply for emergency aid at the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe.
2. to submit an informal application for BAföG.
3. to submit an informal application for a short- or long-term student loan.Click here to go to the application options: