Recreational Accident Insurance
Enrolled students are insured, including during internships abroad and during ERASMUS programs, according to § 61 LHochschulG absent students. The insurance coverage extends itself to accidents outside of the university and outside the direct way to and from the university; therefore accidents which are not covered by SGB VII. These are basically accidents during leisure time, also during leisure time abroad. If there are doubts, the decision of the people behind the statutory accident insurance shall prevail. In principle, recreational accident insurance takes effect in the event of accidental, permanent personal injury.Sums insured
- Disability Benedits with Progression 225 %: 50.000,-- €
- Death Benefit: 10.000,-- €
- Rescue Costs: 5.000,-- €
- Medical expenses: 500,-- €
- Costs for Cosmetic Operations: 5.000,-- €