Cashless payment. Secure. Simple. Fast.

Only cashless payment is possible in all our dining halls and cafeterias.

Simply top up your student ID at one of our cash machines and pay conveniently, without the hassle of searching for small change.

You can use your university card as a chip card:
  • at KIT you use your KITCard as a chip card,
  • at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences ( HKA) your CampusCard,
  • at the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe you use your student card,
  • at Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, your student ID card,
  • at the other universities, you can get a chip card from the Studierendenwerk by showing your student ID. This is usually possible at the counter of the cafeteria.

What is Autoload?

With Autoload, students and staff of the universities in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim can have their dining hall card automatically topped up at all cash points of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe and Campus Nord if they do not have enough credit to pay at one of our cash points. Autoload is a SEPA direct debit authorisation for your private account. With your personal access data, you can manage your sales and personal data here and never have to think about topping up again.

Please note: Autoload is linked to your card. If you exchange your card, you will need to re-register for Autoload. Please set up Autoload after receiving your new card by presenting your EC card at one of the service points of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe.

  • Go to one of our cash desks and let us set up the Autoload service for you. You will need to bring your Mensa card with you. Your debit card is no longer required.
  • You will receive a receipt from our service staff with the access data for our card service.
  • Use your card number and password to log in below. Please refer to the documents you have received for your card number and password.
  • Set up the autoload service according to your preferences. For example, you can change the minimum and maximum amount that can be debited and cancel the SEPA direct debit at any time. You can also check your point-of-sale transactions (only point-of-sale transactions) for the last few months or have your card blocked.
  • Say: "Yes!" when you are asked at the refectory or cafeteria checkout if we can top up your refectory card by the amount you have specified if your credit is not sufficient to pay.
If your bank details change, they must be updated in the customer portal at least two weeks before the change. The previous direct debit agreement must be canceled and a new agreement must be concluded with the updated data.
Autoload is only available with your card/student card. If you replace your card, you will need to register for Autoload again. After receiving your new card, please set up Autoload as described in the section "HOW DO I PARTICIPATE?".
If your card has been blocked because the account does not have sufficient funds, the card can only be unlocked at the following facilities:


You have questions?

Email us at:
To cancel Autoload, log in to with your access data. There you can cancel the SEPA direct debit agreement.

Here you can log in and configure your autoload:

Cashless payment (without autoload)

Here you will find a list of all the places where you can top up your card or guest card with credit.
Due to the changes to the cashless payment method, cash withdrawals of card balances are not possible at the cash desks in the facilities.

If your card is still functional, you can make a withdrawal to your account at the cash desks in the cafeterias. The opening hours of our cash desks in the dining halls and cafeterias can be found here.

If your card is defective or you cannot come by, you can also fill out our
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You already have a new card and would like to transfer the balance of your old card to the new card?
You can use our online form.
Note: Currently, JotForm (e.g. forms, damage report, chip card form, etc. ) cannot always be accessed via the KIT network. Please call up the corresponding link via another network (e.g. via mobile phone).

Problems with the card

In principle, the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe chip card is very reliable when used normally. Most students have been using their card for several years without any problems. The same applies to the student cards of the universities with integrated payment chip. Nevertheless, it can happen that the chip in the card gets damaged, is no longer readable or that problems occur when upgrading the card.

In these cases, you can also report your concerns via our online form.
Note: Currently, JotForm (e.g. forms, damage report, chip card form, etc. ) cannot always be accessed via the KIT network. Please call up the corresponding link via another network (e.g. via mobile phone).

Guest card

For hygienic reasons, we have switched to a cashless payment method in our facilities.

As a guest, you are welcome to obtain a guest card for our facilities. These are available at the cash desks in the cafeterias and must be topped up at the rechargers before use.