If you have a choice, you can choose the best!

Dining Hall am Adenauerring
Opening hours
Dining hall am Adenauerring
Mon-Fri 11:00-14:00

Mon-Fri 11:00-14:00

Mon-Fri 11:00-14:00
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Cafeteria am Adenauerring
Opening hours
Mon-Thu 07:30-17:00
and Fri 07:30-16:00

Dinner in the cafeteria on the Adenauerring
Mon.-Thurs. 16:00-19:30
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chicco di caffè Karlsruhe
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 11 am -3:45pm
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Cafeteria Engesserstraẞe
Opening hours
During the semester
Mon-Thu 7:45-16:00
Fri 7:45-15:00

During the lecture-free period
Mon-Fri 7:45-15:00
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Chicco di Caffè Math
Opening hours
During the semester
Mon.- Fri. 9 am - 2:30 pm
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Dining Hall Schloss Gottesaue
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 09:00-15:00

Mon-Fri 12:00-14:00
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Dining Hall Moltke
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 11:00am - 2:15pm
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Dining Hall Moltkestraẞe
Opening hours
In the semester

Mon-Fri: 07:30am-4:00pm

Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:00pm

During the lecture-free period
Mon-Fri 07:30-14:00

Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:00pm
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Cafeteria Bismarckstraẞe
Opening hours
During the semester
Mon-Thu 8:00-16:30
Fri 8:00-14:30

During the lecture-free period
Mon-Fri 8:00-14:30
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Dining Hall Erzbergerstraẞe
Opening hours
Mon-Thu 07:45-15:30
and Fri 07:45-14:00

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Dining Hall Tiefenbronner Straẞe
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 11:00 – 14:00
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Cafeteria Tiefenbronner Straẞe
Opening hours
Mon-Thu 07:30-16:00
Fri 07:30-14:30

During the lecture-free period
Mon-Fri 07:30-14:30
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chicco di caffè Pforzheim
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 11:00-14:30
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Dining Hall Holzgartenstraẞe
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 09:00-14:30
Fri 09:00-14:00

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