Dining Hall Schloss Gottesaue
[1] with colorant | [2] with preserving agents | [3] with antioxidant agent
[4] with flavor enhancer | [5] with phosphate | [6] surface waxed
[7] with sulphur | [8] blackened olives | [9] with sweetener
[10] - can be laxative if overused
[11] - contains phenylalanine
[12] - can contain alcohol
[14] - assembled from pieces of meat
[15] - with cocoa containg glaze
[27] - assembled from pieces of fish
Optional details
[GEL] - with gelatine
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Dining Hall Schloss Gottesaue
Am Schloss Gottesaue 7a
76131 Karlsruhe
Elisabeth Bernhardte-mail: gastronomie@sw-ka.de
Phone: +49 721 6629-242