We give space to student cultural work!

And not only by means of cultural venues. In the Student Cultural Centre at KIT, as well as in the legendary Z10 (Student Centre Zähringerstraße 10 e.V.) and in the jack-of-all-trades AKK (Arbeitskreis Kultur und Kommunikation), you as a student cultural worker will be supported and staged in monetary and creative ways! If you are now drawn to the limelight or suddenly feel like enjoying art, read more about our cultural centres here!

We support student cultural work

is a non-profit GmbH that supports student cultural work both ideally and financially. Here you will receive comprehensive advice and support when it comes to student culture. The shareholders are the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, the KIT and the Studentendienst Karlsruhe e.V.. The diverse activities at the Student Cultural Centre include theatre performances, cinema screenings as well as exhibitions and various events. If you would like to rent the festival hall, it is best to contact Christian Haffner, the managing director of the Student Cultural Centre. You can reach him either by phone or by email. Or you can check at www.studentisches-kulturzentrum-am-kit.de to see if the date you want is available.

Studentisches Kulturzentrum gGmbH
Adenauerring 7
76131 Karlsruhe

Florian Götzelmann

phone.: +49 721 691239
Fax: +49 721 6624736

email: leitung@skz.kit.edu
website: studentisches-kulturzentrum-am-kit.de
By students for students

The Studentenzentrum Z10 is an association of students working on a voluntary basis who, in addition to their studies, try to realise their ideas of meaningful leisure activities not only for themselves but with others and for others. Events and courses of various kinds are held here. In addition, the house can be used by students as a meeting place. The Z10 has a firm place in the Karlsruhe university scene.

The focus of the cultural Saturdays at the Z10 is on bands and sporadic readings. Another highlight, however, are the Friday Krümel (crumbs), theme evenings with very different content, as well as performances by professional cabaret artists. Movie lovers get their money's worth at the film screenings. An annual summer festival, cocktail evenings and the like round off the programme.

Various workshops are run by interested students, mostly on a voluntary basis. Depending on supply and demand, courses and workshops are offered every semester. Examples include nude drawing, fire-breathing and climbing.

Current event overviews are available on the website of the Z10.

Many of the rooms in the house are equipped for a wide variety of purposes. These rooms, including the fully equipped kitchen with a large dining room, the pottery or the meeting room, can be occupied or used by students free of charge on a daily basis.

In the cosy Z10 café, you can browse through newspapers and magazines or chat during opening hours. In the afternoons and two evenings a week, you can also get drinks and small meals or try out one of the many games. The bar is run on a voluntary basis by students who are not necessarily Z10 members.

Anyone who is interested can join in!
The weekly meeting is on Thursdays around 20:00 in Z10.

Just call or drop by at Zähringerstraße 10!

The Z10 online:

Z10 Studentenzentrum
Zähringerstraße 10
76131 Karlsruhe

phone: +49 721 375447
email: z10@uni-karlsruhe.de

Office opening hours
Mon. to Wed. 11:30-13:30
Fri. 9-11

Café opening hours
Mon., Wed. and Fri. 12-1
Events take place on the first and third Saturday of the month!
Arbeitskreis Kultur und Kommunikation
The AKK was founded in 1977 as a workgroup of the AStA and UStA of the University of Karlsruhe. It is a cultural institution for students that enables them to define and organise their own cultural work. Notorious are the AKK-Schlonze, the regular themed bar in the Old Stadium. Here, really anything can be made the topic of an evening.

In addition, students meet from Monday to Friday from about 9:30 in the Kultur-Café in the AKK domicile in the Old Stadium to relax with a cup of coffee or tea during the lecture break (the café closes between 16:00 and 17:00).

In addition, the AKK offers numerous events such as cinema screenings, various dance courses and workshops ranging from job application seminars to car safety training and massage courses.

AKK Arbeitskreis Kultur und Kommunkiation (AKK)
Paulckeplatz 1
76131 Karlsruhe

phone: +49 721 9640322
fax: +49 721 9640399

email: info@akk.org
website: www.akk.org

AKK on Instagram
AKK on Facebook
Theater on campus

We are always happy to welcome anyone who would like to try their hand at acting. Just show up at our rehearsals: The GeistSoz Theater rehearses every Tuesday in the Franz-Schnabel-Haus (Building 30.91, KIT Campus Süd), starting sometime between 7.30 and 7.45 pm - sometimes we don't take punctuality very seriously. If you want to know what to expect beforehand, please send an e-mail to geistsoz.theater@gmail.com. See you soon!

Du verlässt nun die Webseite des Studierendenwerks Karlsruhe (sw-ka.de)

Bitte beachte, dass du auf die externe Webseite https://geistsoz-theater.de/ weitergeleitet wirst, auf der deine personenbezogenen Daten anders verarbeitet werden als bei uns.

Ehe du mit „Ja, weiter“ dieser Verarbeitung zustimmst, solltest du hier nachlesen, was bei der externen Webseite zum Datenschutz zu beachten ist.

E-Mail: geistsoz.theater@gmail.com


The Physikertheater is an association of theater-loving physicists, geophysicists, meteorologists, other students, but also members of the rest of the population with no connection to KIT. Although it has pitched its tents at the Faculty of Physics and has traditionally performed in the Gaede-Hörsaal since 2003, it is quite an inclusive bunch. Its repertoire is as broad as its membership base, with past productions ranging from Monty Python, Fo and Frisch to various Dürrenmatts, Shakespeare and Stoppard plays.

Du verlässt nun die Webseite des Studierendenwerks Karlsruhe (sw-ka.de)

Bitte beachte, dass du auf die externe Webseite https://physikertheater.de/ weitergeleitet wirst, auf der deine personenbezogenen Daten anders verarbeitet werden als bei uns.

Ehe du mit „Ja, weiter“ dieser Verarbeitung zustimmst, solltest du hier nachlesen, was bei der externen Webseite zum Datenschutz zu beachten ist.

E-Mail: info@physikertheater.de


With over 100 plays performed and even more active members with years of volunteering, the Unitheater is an integral part of Karlsruhe's cultural scene. It brings together people from all fields of study and a wide range of interests who bring theater to life together - in front of, next to, on and behind the stage.
Under the aegis of the
Du verlässt nun die Webseite des Studierendenwerks Karlsruhe (sw-ka.de)

Bitte beachte, dass du auf die externe Webseite https://www.studentisches-kulturzentrum-am-kit.de/ weitergeleitet wirst, auf der deine personenbezogenen Daten anders verarbeitet werden als bei uns.

Ehe du mit „Ja, weiter“ dieser Verarbeitung zustimmst, solltest du hier nachlesen, was bei der externen Webseite zum Datenschutz zu beachten ist.

, the stage of the theater is in the Festsaal of the Studentenhaus.

Du verlässt nun die Webseite des Studierendenwerks Karlsruhe (sw-ka.de)

Bitte beachte, dass du auf die externe Webseite https://www.unitheater.de/ weitergeleitet wirst, auf der deine personenbezogenen Daten anders verarbeitet werden als bei uns.

Ehe du mit „Ja, weiter“ dieser Verarbeitung zustimmst, solltest du hier nachlesen, was bei der externen Webseite zum Datenschutz zu beachten ist.

E-Mail: kontakt@unitheater.de