Starting something new is difficult! As an international student, it is not easy to find your way around in a new environment, but all support is welcome. In the halls of residence, international students are looked after and supported by the resident advisors (RA).

The tutors are seen as contact people for the international residence hall and provide help case of worries, problems or questions. With their work, the tutors aim to contribute to improving the living conditions and integration of international students. In addition, the RA organise cultural events to strengthen the sense of community and achieve successful integration.

The RA are guided and supported by the coordination of the International Student Center (ISC). Every semester, an intercultural workshop is organised for the RA. The intercultural training deals with topics such as intercultural communication, sensitisation, conflict resolution and examples from RA work. The RA receive basic knowledge in dealing with international students, while exchanging ideas among themselves and learning from their own experiences.

Are you an international student who has just arrived in Karlsruhe? Don't feel like carrying around a dictionary all the time?
Then try the illustrated dormitory dictionary app for your smartphone, which will make your life so much easier!

dormitory dictionary as PDF:
dormitory dictionary German, Chinese and English
dormitory dictionary German, French and Spanish
dormitory dictionary German, French and Arabic
dormitory dictionary German, Polish and Russian
Are you missing the German or English words in medical matters? Then the illustrated health dictionary is just the thing for you! Here you'll find everything translated from A for Apotheke (pharmacy) to Z for Zuzahlung (co-payment) - the health dictionary provides general overview information in German and English for foreign students. It covers topics such as health insurance, doctor's visits and medical certificates. Dialogues, short texts and scenes on campus explain facts and vocabulary: package insert, referral, vaccination card. The health dictionary was designed by graphic artist Florian Geppert, who also illustrated the "dormitory dictionary".

health dictionary as PDF: German-English
The Illustrated Mensa Dictionary accompanies three students on their daily journey through the Mensa. It explains food and drinks, the MensaCard, the cashless payment system, the list of ingredients and regional differences in three languages (German, English and Chinese).