Anyone can get sick sometimes - how do we get help?
Here you will find contact persons on the subject of health insurance company and health insurance.
Exmatriculation must be reported to the health insurance company. The health insurance company will advise you about further health insurance cover. As long as you receive parental allowance, you remain compulsorily insured with student health insurance. If you have no additional income, the insurance is free of charge.
Students generally have free family insurance until they are 25 years old (exception: one parent has private health insurance). The co-insured may only have a low income. If you earn more than this, you must insure yourself.
Spouses, who are also legally co-insured, continue to be insured without paying contributions during parental leave.Spouses, who are voluntarily co-insured with statutory health insurance, must continue to pay contributions, even if they have no income during parental leave. Half of the partner's income serves as the basis for calculating the amount of the contribution.Single people pay a minimum contribution during parental leave, even if they have no income.
Students who are compulsorily insured can also insure their child free of charge as part of their family insurance. The child can also be insured with the other parent or grandparents. While receiving parental allowance, compulsorily insured students must pay contributions for health insurance (even during a vacation semester). If you receive ALG II during the vacation semester, the job center will cover the health insurance contributions.
With private health insurance, the scope of the exact benefits varies greatly. Various preventive examinations are not covered, especially during pregnancy and afterwards for the child. The costs of the birth are not fully covered by all private insurance companies. If possible, get information about this before taking out insurance.Attention: Foreign students in particular should pay attention here.
For pregnant women, insurance coverage usually also includes:
Ask your health insurance company about the individual special services, as some of them are only available with a medical certificate.
- maternity benefit, see Student Financing and other financial benefits,
- preventive examinations,
- midwifery assistance,
- birth preparation course (for the mother, father has to pay his own contribution), inpatient delivery,
- home care,
- household help/family care,
- assumption of costs for questions regarding contraception.
Ask your health insurance company about the individual special services, as some of them are only available with a medical certificate.
You can find further information at the Federal Ministry of Health.Note: If you have individual questions, please contact your health insurance company.