Day-care facility "Sternschnuppe"

- Familiar, single-group facility
- Target group: children of studying parents, distinctive international profile
- Needs- & interest-oriented pedagogy
- Self-effective learning through participative daily activities
- Nature education
- MINT model day care center
- Sustainability & environmental education "Faire KiTa BW";
- Conscious child nutrition (BeKi)
- Music and language promotion: KOLIBRI
- Children's sports in external sports hall
- Cooperations:
KITA - elementary school
Heilpädagogischer Fachdienst Karlsruhe
Edeka Foundation "Vegetable Beds for Kids "City of Karlsruhe "Garbage & Fruit Tree Sponsorship"
- Federal programme " Language Kitas: Because language is the key to the world"Early language education makes an important contribution to ensuring that every child has the same starting opportunities. The programme is dedicated to the topics of language education integrated into everyday life, inclusive pedagogy and cooperation with families. The programme strengthens the educational professionals in the language day-care centres in systematically observing the children's language development and their own language behaviour and in anchoring ideas for language education in everyday life. The Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe will receive a total of 100,000 euros over four years. This sum will be used for an additional specialist in the field of language education, who will develop concepts for language education integrated into everyday life in the day care centre together with the team.
- SPATZ-Early childhood language support"Singen - Bewegen - Sprechen" (SBS, "Singing - Moving - Speaking") offers, thanks to the assumption of the costs for the music education staff by the state of Baden-Württemberg, a support programme that is available to children with additional language support needs from the first year of kindergarten. It is a music education programme that supports children of kindergarten age holistically and develops language skills through play. The project has been running in our childcare facilities since 2016.
- Fruit tree sponsorships
The City of Karlsruhe offers children the opportunity to experience meadow orchards throughout the year, to familiarise themselves with the initial work involved in a meadow orchard and to learn about different ways of using fruit. After receiving the certificate of their tree sponsorship, the trees may be harvested, which both of our institutions used intensively. Together with their parents, the children harvested 400 kilograms of apples and had them pressed into almost 300 litres of apple juice.
- BEKI Certificate Conscious Child NutritionThe laughing pear stands for the state initiative BeKi - Conscious Child Nutrition of the Ministry of Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg. The BeKi certificate of the State Initiative for Conscious Child Nutrition is a quality feature for day care centres. It stands for a balanced and varied diet. In addition to team training, parent events were held to sensitise parents to healthy nutrition. The certificate was awarded at the beginning of 2018, after one and a half years of monitoring by the district office "Forum ernähren, bewegen, bilden".
Every child for whom a childcare place is sought in Karlsruhe must be registered via this portal. You can find all the information here..It is important that you get a personal impression of the facility where your child will spend his or her day. Therefore, take advantage of the opportunity to visit the facilities, which takes place on a regular basis. Feel free to contact us directly. Do not be afraid to ask. The teams in the day care centres look forward to your questions and the interest you express in their work. Not least because you are showing your appreciation for their work!You can find the application form here here.
Hertzstraße 16 (Gebäude 06.41 der KIT – Westhochschule)
76187 Karlsruhe
Johanna Mayer Phone: +49 721 6909-6010