Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe AöR
Adenauerring 7
76131 Karlsruhephone: +49 721 6909-0 (central office)Our staff at the central office can be contacted by telephone at the following times:
Mon - Fri 09:00-12:30 and 13:00-14:00BAföG OfficePhone: +49 721 6909–177
Phone hrs.: Mon and Wed: 09:00–15:00, Fri: 09:00–12:00
E-mail: bafoeg@sw-ka.deHousingDormitory management, accommodation service
Phone: +49 721 6909-200
wohnen@sw-ka.dePrivate accommodation and general information
Phone: +49 721 6909-192Phone hrs: Mon - Fri 10:00 - 12:00 and Mon - Thu 14:00 - 15:00beratungsWERK - your info centre
Phone: +49 721 6909-6111
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00
beratungswerk@sw-ka.dePsychotherapeutic Counselling Service (PBS) for Students
Phone: +49 721 9334060 (PBS Karlsruhe and Pforzheim)
Info and Registration: Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00
PBS Karlsruhe:
PBS Pforzheim:
pbs-pf@sw-ka.deStudying with children
Phone: +49 721 6909-262
kinder@sw-ka.dePlease note that the individual departments (BAföG Office, Housing Department, PBS, etc.) have different opening hours. You can find these on the respective subpage of the department).directions:
Link to city map
Directions to the Studentenhaus (in german)Interactive arrival planning (in german)
Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe AöR
Adenauerring 7
76131 Karlsruhephone: +49 721 6909-0 (central office)Our staff at the central office can be contacted by telephone at the following times:
Mon - Fri 09:00-12:30 and 13:00-14:00BAföG OfficePhone: +49 721 6909–177
Phone hrs.: Mon and Wed: 09:00–15:00, Fri: 09:00–12:00
E-mail: bafoeg@sw-ka.deHousingDormitory management, accommodation service
Phone: +49 721 6909-200
wohnen@sw-ka.dePrivate accommodation and general information
Phone: +49 721 6909-192Phone hrs: Mon - Fri 10:00 - 12:00 and Mon - Thu 14:00 - 15:00beratungsWERK - your info centre
Phone: +49 721 6909-6111
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00
beratungswerk@sw-ka.dePsychotherapeutic Counselling Service (PBS) for Students
Phone: +49 721 9334060 (PBS Karlsruhe and Pforzheim)
Info and Registration: Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00
PBS Karlsruhe:
PBS Pforzheim:
pbs-pf@sw-ka.deStudying with children
Phone: +49 721 6909-262
kinder@sw-ka.dePlease note that the individual departments (BAföG Office, Housing Department, PBS, etc.) have different opening hours. You can find these on the respective subpage of the department).directions:
Link to city map
Directions to the Studentenhaus (in german)Interactive arrival planning (in german)
Usage regulations of the Studentenhaus - Dining hall am Adenauerring
Usage regulations of the Studentenhaus - Dining hall am Adenauerring.pdf
Usage regulations of the Studentenhaus - Dining hall am Adenauerring.pdf