April 21 - 28 - Theater workshop in Strasbourg

Experience an unforgettable week full of theater and creativity! Let yourself be inspired by the professionals of the group Thealingua from Berlin in a theater workshop with other French and German students. If you are interested in and enjoy theater, then apply now with a convincing letter of motivation.
Most of the costs such as accommodation, meals and exciting excursions are supported by CROUS Strasbourg and the Franco-German Youth Office.

We look forward to getting to know you and spending a creative time with you!

April 21 - 28 - Theater workshop in Strasbourg
When: April 21 - 28, 2024

Where: Strasbourg, France

Costs: 25 euros personal contribution

Participants: 10 German students and 10 French students

Application: Application period is from March 4 to April 4, 2024

Application & requirements can be found
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