EUCOR OLYMPIADS - A sporting adventure in Freiburg!

What is the Eucor Olympics?

There are five exciting sports on the program at the Eucor Olympics: long jump, throwing, relay race, indoor soccer and dodgeball. The 60 participants are divided into mixed teams and ranked according to their number of victories. The three best teams will receive great prizes!

We cordially invite you to take part in the Eucor Olympics, which will be held at the Institute of Sport and Sports Science at the University of Freiburg on the occasion of the 2024 Olympic Games.

EUCOR OLYMPIADS - A sporting adventure in Freiburg!
Are you a sports enthusiast and want to spend a fun-filled day with young French, German and Swiss people in Freiburg? Then be part of the Eucor Olympics!

Date: Friday, May 31, 2024 (10:00 - 20:00)

Venue: Institute of Sport and Sport Sciences, Sandfangweg 4, 79102 Freiburg, Germany

Target group: 60 students and doctoral candidates from the 5 member universities of Eucor - The European Campus. Participants must speak French, German or English.

Participation fees: None

Registration until Monday, May 13 under the following link:
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Contact person: Roxane Grisot

Join us for a day of sport and fun with international students from the region!

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