Excursion to Baden-Baden with city tour on June 8, 2024

Come with us on an unforgettable journey to the enchanting city of Baden-Baden, nestled at the foot of the Black Forest and famous for its breathtaking casino.

Excursion to Baden-Baden with city tour on June 8, 2024
This famous spa town is worth a visit at any time of year, as steam is constantly rising from the hot springs. In bright sunshine, we set off on a hike to Hohenbaden Castle and are enchanted by the history and beauty of this region. If it rains, we make ourselves comfortable in one of the many cafés.

The day ends with a guided tour of the town, during which we will discover the hidden treasures of Baden-Baden. Experience a day full of adventure and unforgettable moments - join us!

When: 11:00 am (meeting point)

Where: Meeting point at Karlsruhe main station, under the display boards.

Requirements: Sturdy shoes

Costs: 5 € (for city tour and ride)

Participants: max. 10 people

Registration via online form (Jotform):
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(registration deadline: 01.06.2024)

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