More flexibility: You can now take advantage of ONE additional flexibility semester beyond the standard period of study. Either at the end of your Bachelor's degree or at the end of your Master's degree. Perfect for concentrating fully on your thesis! The choice is yours!

Study start-up grant: You will receive a one-off grant of €1,000 for your very first degree, regardless of whether you later receive BAföG for your studies or not - ideal for a laptop, teaching materials or the rent deposit. If you are under 25 years old and received a social benefit one month before the start of your studies, you can secure the study start-up grant. So apply online now (BAföG-Digital). Applications can only be submitted for a maximum of 2 months of the first semester!

Adjustments for change of subject: You now have more time to orient yourself and change your subject. You can study for up to 3 semesters without giving a reason. Only after a change of 4 semesters do you have to submit a reason. If you are in doubt as to whether it is the right time to change, always check with your university first. You should always contact the BAföG office beforehand to find out what consequences a change of subject will have. Your BAföG office will be happy to advise you on any questions you may have about changing subjects.

Submit your BAföG application now! Online!
Du verlässt nun die Webseite des Studierendenwerks Karlsruhe (sw-ka.de)

Bitte beachte, dass du auf die externe Webseite https://www.bafoeg-digital.de/ams/BAFOEG weitergeleitet wirst, auf der deine personenbezogenen Daten anders verarbeitet werden als bei uns.

Ehe du mit „Ja, weiter“ dieser Verarbeitung zustimmst, solltest du hier nachlesen, was bei der externen Webseite zum Datenschutz zu beachten ist.

BAföG ABC: https://www.sw-ka.de/de/geld/bafoeg/bafoeg-abc/

Contact persons: https://www.sw-ka.de/de/geld/bafoeg/deine_berater-innen/


To overview