Workshop for international students (in English): How do I find a room in Karlsruhe?

Take part in our interactive online workshop, where you will receive practical information and tips from our wohnungsscout on finding accommodation in Karlsruhe. Our housing scout advises all students who are looked after by the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe and who do not have a place in a hall of residence and are looking for an apartment. The event is held in English and provides information on how to find a room online in Karlsruhe and the surrounding area, what to look out for and much more. This event is aimed at international students who have not yet found accommodation.

Workshop for international students (in English): How do I find a room in Karlsruhe?
When: March 8, 13:00-14:00

Where: Online - Link:
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Prerequisites: None

Costs: None

Participants: Unlimited

No registration is required.

Image source: Shutterstock

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