General Questions

Who is the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe responsible for?
We are responsible for over 43,000 students at all universities in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim.

When it comes to BAföG, we also look after other universities. Further down in the FAQ you will find a list of all the universities for which we are responsible.
When is the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe open?
The opening hours of the Studierendenwerk depend on which service you want to use. The cafeterias, for example, have different opening hours than the dormitory administration or the kindergartens.
The easiest way to find the opening hours is under the respective item in the navigation bar under
For which universities is the Studierendenwerk responsible?
The Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe is responsible for the following universities:
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • Karlsruhe University of Education (PH)
  • Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA)
  • Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe
  • Karlsruhe University of Music
  • Karlsruhe State University of Design
  • Karlshochschule International University
  • State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe
  • Pforzheim University - Design, Technology, Economics and Law
In what form does the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe support student cultural projects?
Alongside the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Studentendienst Karlsruhe e.V., we are shareholders of the Studentisches Kulturzentrum an der Universität Karlsruhe gem. GmbH.

We provide a versatile venue in the form of the Festsaal in the Studentenhaus.
Why do I pay a student union/semester fee?
The German Studierendenwerke are institutions under public law (AöR), i.e. non-profit service and economic enterprises. Their mission is to support students socially, economically and culturally.

In order to be able to fulfil this mandate, funds are needed. The students' semester fees contribute about twelve per cent. The largest share, almost 60 per cent, is provided by the Studierendenwerke themselves (figures from 2003).
I am having problems putting together my lesson plan. Who can help me?
The Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe will assist you with all questions surrounding your studies. If you have questions about your studies themselves (content-related and administrative), please contact the relevant offices within your university. As an inter-university counselling centre, you can also contact the Centre for Information and Counselling (ZSB) .
Can the Festsaal also be rented by non-student institutions or for private purposes?
Yes, if time permits. Priority will be given to student cultural groups, other recognised student groups and university institutions.
Please contact the management of the Festsaal at
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