Residence Englerstraße 14

The student residence is located opposite the main building of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on Berliner Platz, directly on the campus. The city centre could not be any closer; everything can be reached on foot, whether it is the Palace Park, shopping facilities or public transportation. The residence is characterized by a family-like flat sharing, as there are just 24 rooms. The large roof terrace invites you to linger and relax together.

In the 360° walk-through you can take a look at a example room from the student residence (rooms may differ in size, layout and furnishing).

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  • Internet (WLAN)
  • Common area
  • Bicycle racks
  • Washing machines (extra fee)

The monthly rent for the student residence is:

  • Single room: 251 - 436 Euro

The rental rent includes all utilities such as heating, water, electricity and internet.

Significant distances to central facilities:

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of the Residence Englerstrasse 14.
  • 22 furnished rooms with washbasins
  • 2 very large furnished rooms with private shower and toilet
Housing Department
Mrs. Rest
Room: 08
Adenauerring 7
76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 6909-200