Worry about money just before graduation?

We’ll help you unbureaucratically with a loan.Students usually have a limited monthly budget. Expenditure must be tightly calculated so that it does not run out by the end of the month. How easily it can happen that an unforeseen event throws all planning out of hand:
No need to panic. For such emergencies, we offer you support in form of a short-term or graduation loan.
The Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe is also the contact partner for the KfW study loan with very attractive terms. You can find more information here.
- Haven’t received BAFöG in time?
- Or has the entitlement to BAföG expired?
No need to panic. For such emergencies, we offer you support in form of a short-term or graduation loan.
The Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe is also the contact partner for the KfW study loan with very attractive terms. You can find more information here.