Giveaway - We are giving away 10x1 KA pub quartet!

With the @ka_kneipenquartett you get a quartet card game with 32 playing cards and 32 free drinks in 32 of the hippest locations in the city!

Giveaway - We are giving away 10x1 KA pub quartet!
The competition can be found here on Instagram:
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Closing date for entries is
Monday, 02.12.24 at 12:00 noon.
The winners will be drawn at random and notified by DM.

[IMPORTANT:[/F] The prize can only be collected from the Student House at the information desk. Unfortunately, it is not possible to send the prize. The prize claim expires if the prize has not been collected within 7 days of the winner being announced.

Our competition guidelines apply.

Good luck!

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