Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe - The partner for students and universities

The Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe has been providing services for students at the universities in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim for 100 years.

The Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe is responsible for the following universities:.
In order to meet their expectations and wishes with consistent quality, we put the students at the centre of everything we do:

The guests in the refectories and cafeterias, the tenants in the halls of residence, the applicants for BAföG, those seeking advice, students with children and those interested in culture. Students contribute to the financing of our work through the Studierendenwerk fee. They influence the development of the Studierendenwerk through their committee representation. Our goal is to always meet the current demands of the students and to combine economic efficiency with environmental friendliness.

As a cross-location social institution, we want to actively shape the university environment in cooperation with the individual study institutions.

The Statutes of the Studierendenwerk can be found here.
The Rules of Contribution of the Studierendenwerks can be found here.
The Studierendenwerk law can be found here.

The Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe cooperates with other student unions , both regionally and nationwide.

Managing Director
Dipl.-Volksw. Michael Postert

Aide to the management
Assanet Metz, Telefon +49 721 6909-101

You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2008 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2009 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2010 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2011 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2012 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2013 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2014 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2015 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2016 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2017 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2018 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2019 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2020 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2021 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2022 here.
You can find the Buisiness Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2023 here.
You can find the Corporate Governance Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2014 here.
You can find the Corporate Governance Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2015 here.
You can find the Corporate Governance Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2016 here.
You can find the Corporate Governance Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2017 here.
You can find the Corporate Governance Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2018 here.
You can find the Corporate Governance Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2019 here.
You can find the Corporate Governance Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2020 here.
You can find the Corporate Governance Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2021 here.
You can find the Corporate Governance Report of the Studentenwerks Karlsruhe 2022 here.

Organs of the Studierendenwerk

According to Section 4 of the Studierendenwerk law (StWG), the organs of the Studierendenwerk are the Managing Director, the Governing Board (Verwaltungsrat) and the Representatives' Assembly (Vertretungsversammlung). Both bodies fulfill different tasks according to Sections 6-10 of the Studierendenwerk law.

Representatives' Assembly
Tasks of the Representatives’ Assembly:
  • Election of the members of the Governing Board.
  • Accepts and discusses the annual report and financial statements of the managing director.
  • Decides the statutes of the Studierendenwerk.
  • Meets once a year, usually in April or May, in public sessions.
  • Consists of members by virtue of office as well as elected representatives of the university and student committees.

How is the Assembly composed and who appoints the members??
In addition to the full-time members of the rectorate or university board, the administrative directors as well as the rectors and heads of the local administration of the state academies delegate according to the statutes of the Studierendenwerk:
  • institutions with up to 3000 students 1 student member and 1 teacher.
  • institutions with up to 7000 students 3 student member and 2 teacher.
  • institutions with up to 14000 students 4 student member and 3 teacher.
  • institutions with up to 14000 students 5 student member and 4 teacher.

Who elects the members of the Representatives’ Assembly?
The senate of the respective university elects the full-time teaching staff and their alternates. The respective student bodies elect the student members and their alternates.
Note: The Student Parliament has to show initiative and take action to elect the student representatives by winter so that they are named and ready for the meeting in spring. Please send the names to as soon as possible after the election, this applies for changes as well.
The Studierendenwerk will send a reminder about the elections. However, according to the statutes, the Student Parliament should notify the Studierendwerk in good time before the start of the respective term of office. The term of office begins on October 15th and is one year for student members and two years for teachers.

Are you committed and would like to actively shape and represent the concerns and interests of your university and students? You have the chance to do so in the Representatives’ Assembly of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe!
Dates of the Representatives' Assembly
Next date: May 15th, 2025 - 14:00.
Governing Board
Tasks of the Governing Board:
  • Appoints the managing director
  • Determines the business plan and the annual financial statements.
  • Discharges the managing director from liability.
  • Determines the appropriation of profits.
  • Appoints the auditor.
  • Decides on the Rules of Contribution.
  • Convenes mostly twice a year, mostly in June/July and November, in closed sessions.
  • Consists of members elected in the Representatives’ Assembly.

The Governing Board is a supervisory body that monitors the work of the Studierendenwerk and acts in an advisory capacity.

Governing Board
  • Three representatives and alternates of the university managements
  • Four student representatives and their alternates
  • Three external experts and their alternates (especially from the economy and municipality)

Advisory Members:
  • Two representatives from the group of chancellors or administrative directors
  • Representative of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts (appointed by the Ministry)
  • Managing Director of the Studierendenwerk
  • Chairperson of the staff council of the Studierendenwerkes Karlsruhe

Who elects the members of the Governing Board?
The Representatives’ Assembly elects the members of the Governing Board. No one is by virtue of office, but only by election. The student members of the Representatives’ Assembly make nominations for the student members of the Governing Board. The only requirement to be able to run for the Governing Board is the enrollment at a university supported by the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe. The term of office of the student representatives is one year and that of the other members is two years. It starts on October 15th.

Please inform all changes to the representatives and their alternates to as soon as possible.

If you want to seize the opportunity and actively shape the work of the Studierendenwerk by participating in these committees, you should have enough time for the tasks and be able to take part in the meetings.
Members and their deputies of the Governing Board of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe

Representatives of the universities' management

  • Prof. Alexander Wanner
    Vice President for Teaching and Academic Affairs KIT
    Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
    Deputy Chairman of the Governing Board
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Jautz
    Rector, Pforzheim University

  • Prof. Hanno Weber
    Prorector for Studies and Teaching at Pforzheim University

Representatives of university students

  • Adrian Keller
    Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
    Chairman of the Governing Board
  • Carolin Fischer-Galvéz
    Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
  • Johann Sebastian Wermter
    Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
  • Jens Hausdorf
    Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Karlsruhe

  • Jan Wohlfahrt
    Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
  • Duc Trung Tran
    Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
  • Paul Dahlheim
    Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
  • Ivo Dujmovic
    Karlsruhe Institute for Technology

External experts

  • Representative
  • Günther Früh
    Board member a. D.
    Karlsruher Lebensversicherung AG
  • Andreas Hahn
    Board member
    Volksbank Stutensee-Weingarten eG
  • Daniel Fluhrer
    City of Karlsruhe

  • Johannes Graf-Hauber
    Executive Director
    Baden State Theater Karlsruhe
  • Lutz Nehrhoff von Holderberg
    LightnTec GmbH
  • Gabriele Luczak-Schwarz
    First mayor
    City of Karlsruhe

Advisory members

  • Mercedes Klein
    Advisor, Department 24, Ministry of Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg
  • Klas Kullmann
    Chancellor, Karlsruhe University of Education
  • David Wolf
    Administrative Director, Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Karlsruhe
  • Michael Postert
    General Manager, Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe AöR
  • Eva Schmidt
    Chairwoman of the staff council, Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe AöR
Dates of the Governing Board
Next dates:
  • Tuesday, 19.11.2024 at 2:00pm.